Author: gary

  • Nature Communications: 3D Optomechanics

    In optomechanics, light is used to control and detect mechanical motion. In order to achieve quantum superposition states of motion, researchers are in search of a platform which promises strong coupling between light and motion at single-photon level. Recently, Yuan et al. from the SteeleLab have introduced a new optomechanical platform based on 3D superconducting…

  • Nature Communications: Nanotube Decoherence

    Coherence is a widely used concept in quantum mechanics. When a quantum system interacts with its environment, the loss of information about the phase of quantum states is defined as decoherence. Decoherence plays a crucial role in quantum information processing: in contrast to classical bits that suffer only from relaxation in the form of bit…

  • Nature Communications: Electrons rolling “uphill”

    In physics, we are used to thinking about the motion of electrons driven by electric fields: electrons are attracted to regions of lower electrostatic potential, like a ball rolling down a hill. When we put a voltage across a resistor, electrons feel a force from the electric field and flow like a river to the…

  • Nature Nanotechnology: Graphene Optomechanics

    Graphene is famous for the relativistic way that electrons in the material move, but more recently, researchers have started studying how the graphene sheet itself moves when you make it into a mechanical resonator like a drumhead. In our recent work in Nature Nanotechnology, we have used a superconducting microwave cavity coupled to a graphene…